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I am an experienced mediator, and offer professional mediation services and programmes for separating parents across the UK and Switzerland. From my bases in London, Zurich and Geneva, I have travelled to Manchester, Birmingham, and across Wales to offer expert mediation in difficult disputes. Mediation offers a means of dispute resolution for parents who hope to find an alternate way of resolving issues between them. This can include future arrangements for children, and arrangements of matrimonial assets in cases of separation. In cases such as these, mediation services are often invaluable, as they offer a way to try and reach agreement without using an arbitrator and judge. Separation can be an incredibly stressful time for parents and children alike, and utilising expert mediation programmes removes the added stress of court appearances and works towards a conflict-free resolution.

I can help you to reach dispute resolutions swiftly and fairly, and am also experienced in providing confidential mediation in civil, commercial, and employment law cases, in addition to family law disputes from my bases in London, Zurich and Geneva. Commercial dispute mediation has become more and more popular in recent years, minimising costs and providing an effective way to resolve disputes without resorting to litigation. I help clients to look forward, maintaining a business relationship throughout mediation, and work with you to provide dispute solutions that are both timely, and effective.

At my Chambers office in Central London, I can offer private mediation suites for mediation sessions requiring anywhere from one to five private rooms, with five air conditioned conference rooms. These vary in capacity from four to twenty, and comprise the seminar and mediation suites. In my offices in Zurich and Geneva, Switzerland, I have a range of conferencing facilities, and appointments can be arranged anywhere at the convenience of my family, civil, commercial, and employment law clients.

For more information on my mediation services in London, Zurich, Geneva and across the UK, get in touch through my contact form, or call on 0207 092 3700. I can work with you to find the best dispute resolution for all parties, and am willing to offer mediation services anywhere in the UK and Wales, as well as further afield.

Mediation Dispute Resolution in London , UK

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